CLASS DESCRIPTION There is no other object in the ceramic world as revered and misunderstood as the humble Chawan, or Japanese Tea Bowl.
In this class we will make our own Chawans, as well as investigate how a Chawan is handled and appreciated during a ritual tea ceremony. Calligraphy artist, Gerow Reece, will assist with the class, demonstrating the Tea Ceremony, showing us how to whip up our own bowl of matcha, so that we can delve deeper into why some bowls might be more preferable to others. The class is open to both beginning and advanced students, hand builders and wheel throwers, and anyone who might want to learn more about Chado: The Way of Tea.
ABOUT THE INSTRUCTORS CLIFF GLOVER is a full-time potter, specializing in bowls for the Japanese Tea Ritual. In the early ‘90s, Cliff began to study Chanoyu with Dr. Shozo Sato, learning how Taoist and Buddhist philosophy is expressed in the simple act of serving tea. Currently his tea bowls are used at San Francisco’s Asian Art Museum in their educational program.
GEROW REECE, teaches the Japanese Tea Ritual as well as Shodo, Zen Calligraphy, in Santa Cruz, Ca. He will show us how to whip up our own bowl of matcha, so that we can understand why some bowls might be more preferable to others in functionality and aesthetics.